Thursday, January 17, 2013

Past-Due Health Update!

After long-last, Victor is finally well enough to start his rehab therapy!  He was moved to a new facility this week where he will be working toward being able to walk/move/function properly again!  Being stuck in a hospital bed for over 5 months and not being able to eat properly has really taken its toll on him physically.  My big, strong 6'2" daddy is now skinnier than I am!!  (Which reminds me, I need to be working out again.....don't judge!  hahah)  He has been back on a regular diet for a couple of weeks now which is helping him get back his strength and lighten his mood..... even though the cafeteria doesn't serve anything even remotely close to the meals promoted on the Food Network (my dad's new favorite channel).

From what we have been told, once dad has completed his physical therapy, he will be released from the hospital and will be able to come back home to El Paso!  Everyone is overjoyed that FINALLY his hospital stay has an end in site!  There will be a need for a few more procedures after he is released, but those won't take place until a couple more months down the line.  (More info on those later.)  Victor will hopefully be cooped up for only about 3-4 more weeks; I'll keep everyone posted on this as there is no set date right now.

That's all for now!  Much love to everyone.

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